100% OFF- Data Analysis in R Studio for Research Scholars- Basic

Data Analysis in R Studio for Research Scholars- Basic, Data analysis with R, specifically designed for Researchers (Scholars).
Course Description
Embark on a transformative journey into the world of data science with this comprehensive course on R programming. R Studio is a powerful statistical tool for computing and graphics. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned professional, this course offers a structured learning path to help you unlock the potential of R Studio for your research based projects.
Through engaging lectures, hands-on exercises, and real-world examples, you’ll gain practical skills enabling you to execute T Test, ANOVA, Chi Square and Linear Regression/ Correlation in R Studio
These are major Research Methods used by Research Scholars in their research work, whether in research papers or thesis report.
This would cover all steps taken to test Research Hypotheses created for a research work, from the stage, where primary data is available in .CSV file to verifying the result of Hypotheses Testing. Research Scholar may take this course and utilize the learnings in creating their Thesis Report. Every lecture is designed in such a way that these can be taken up individually, without being concerned about the sequence of videos. The scripts used in R Studio will also be made available along with videos.
Join this course to make your journey of research, easy and take your Research Methodology skills to new heights.