COVID19 Protect Me: Device Warns You if Your Hand near Face


COVID19 Protect Me: Device Warns You if Your Hand near Face, Make a device that will literally help you protect yourself from Viruses and Other diseases that Transfer by hand!

In this course you will learn how to Make a device that will literally help you protect yourself from Viruses and Other diseases that Transfer by hand!

We all know that touch your face is a bad habit that we can’t get rid of! When you touch an infected surface or person with your hand, you become a virus carrier, and that virus waits for you to touch your face so that it can move from your hand to your mouth and nose, once this happen, the virus will find its way to the inside of your body causing illness, favor and in some major cases Death!

Today together we will make a device that will help you get rid of the (Touch Your Face) habit.

What You Will Learn In this Course

  • What is this device?
  • Why using this device is essential?
  • Circuit Design and Simulation
  • Circuit Assembly
  • How to design a 3D Outer Case for Your device
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