Control Systems Engineering from Scratch,Learn all the fundamentals and concepts of Control Systems.
Hey all, Welcome to my course on ‘Control Systems Engineering’
This course will give you a deeper understanding on Control Systems and it’s concepts.
The concepts that we will be discussing on this course:
1. Systems – Basics, Types, Open Loop, Closed Loop
2. SISO/MISO Systems
3. Linear and Non Linear Systems
4. Time Variant and TIme Invariant Systems
5. Causal and Non Causal Systems
6. Necessity of Transforms
7. Laplace Transforms – Introduction, Formulae, Inverse Laplace Transforms
8. Laplace Transforms to solve differential equations
9. Test signals – unit step function, impulse function, ramp function, parabolic function.
10. Transfer function.
11, Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
12. Transfer function of a Low Pass Filter.
13. Block Diagrams – Concepts, Reduction rules, Problems
14. Time response analysis – First Order, Second Order Systems
15. Poles and Zeroes – Examples
16. Steady State Error
17. Error Constants Kp, Kv, Ka
18. Stability Analysis
19. Relative stability plots.
and much more
A Control Systems Engineer is responsible for designing, developing, and implementing solutions that control dynamic systems. The aim of a Control Systems Engineer is to bring stability to these constantly changing systems to produce the desired outcome. It is a field of engineering that is wide and varied.
For competitive exams like GATE, ESE , Control Systems is one of the most tested subjects.
So what are you waiting for?
Everything is covered from scratch!
I’ll see you there in my course.