CompTIA RF0-001 RFID + Certification Practice Exam


CompTIA RF0-001 RFID + Certification Practice Exam, Attend this CompTIA RF0-001 RFID + Certification Practice Exam will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam.

Sample Questions

Q) After watching the cosmic scheme, it should be noted that the location of half of a steel door interrogation zones. Which of the following problems it can cause?

a) With steel doors amplifies the signal of the interrogator.

b) Marks on the other side of a closed door will be read more than once.

c) If the door is closed, the shooting area is reduced by half.

d) After closing the door, the force signal may lead to an overload researcher.

e) None

Q) A large number of antennas at the dock door damage to existing installation. Upon further examination, the technician finds that forklift operators beat antennas since they 2 inches (5 cm) in front of the protective pylons / Ballard’s. Which of the following would be the best solution?

a) Moving docking expenses, so that they move further away from the path than the established protective equipment.

b) Remove the docking stands and place them somewhere else in the operation.

c) Re-installing the antenna, so that they were in the way of moving further than the docking costs.

d) Replace the docking costs less costs less intrusive for docking.

e) None

Q) When installing the RFID system, lighting suppressor:

a) They are not mandatory, since lightning operates at higher frequencies than RFID.

b) It must be installed because of the potential severity of the effects of a lightning strike.

c) it is not necessary, as they are expensive and probably lightning object is low.

d) it is only necessary in some US states.

e) None

Q) Which of the following tags RFID is best used for tracking transit vehicles carrying explosives?

a) Active tags, using the power of over 15 mW and strategic interrogator system installed on this route.

b) Passive tags require that the investigator to accommodate at least 9.7 feet (2.9 meters) from labeled asset.

c) Passive tags with strategically mounted readers modulated back scatter.

d) Active tags, using less energy than one milli watt questionnaire system strategically installed on a given route.

e) None

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