Complete Java Course For Beginners To Experts., Learn Java From IT experts. Learn Java Step By Step To Create Your Own Java Project.Learn All Latest Java version.
Hi Students,
I have 10+ years of IT experience in Java and different programming language.
now I want to share my programming knowledge with my students.
In this java course I will start teaching Java from very basic like what is java and what is the feature of java.
the reason is that starting from scratch may be some of students even don’t know what is java.
but later I will cover all important topics of Java.
In these days to take a job in IT industry you need to expert in one programming language .
I will teach java is such a way that you will become master in Java.
In this course you will get video lecture. transcript of every video lecture and related interview question of each topic.
which will help you to crack your interview.
In this course I will cover all latest Java version enhancements or new concept of every Java version.
Like Java 8 is the major changes in Java Programming Language so we will discuss in depth new features of Java 8.
Also I will cover mostly used concept in Java Live OOPS, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Method Over loading,Method over ridding ,Abstraction,Interface,
Class, Object.
In this Java course I will cover below topics in detail.
Basics Of Java :
1-What Is Java And Features Of Java
2-installation of jdk
3-how to set path in Java
4-Variables in Java
5-Operators In Java
a-Unary Operator
b-Arithmetic Operators In Java
c-String Concatenation Operator
d-Relational Operator
e-Equality And instanceof Operator
f-Bit-wise And Logical Operator In Java
g-Ternary Operator In Java
5. Keywords In Java
6.Literals in Java
7-Comments In Java
8-Control Statement
a-If-Else Statement
b-Loops In Java
c-while loop in Java
d-do-while loop in Java
e-Switch Statement In Java
f-break statement in Java
9-OOPS Concept:
1-Class in Java
2-Package In Java
3-Java Access Modifiers
4-this and super keywords in Java
5-Constructors in Java
6-What is the difference between this() and super() in Java
7-Differentiate between the constructors and methods in Java
9-What are the differences between Heap and Stack Memory in Java
10-Object Oriented Principles
11-Encapsulation in Java
12-Instance Initialization Block (IIB) in Java
13-Static Keyword in Java
14-Abstraction in Java
15-Abstract Class in Java
16-Interface In Java
17-Final Keyword in Java
18-Inheritance in Java
19-Association, Aggregation and composition in Java
20-cohesion and coupling in Java
21-Exception Handling in Java
22-Polymorphism In Java
10-Array In Java:
11-Object Class In Java
a-Cloning In Java
12-String Class In Java:
1-String Class In Java
2-StringBuffer Class In Java
3-StringBuilder Class In Java
4-Difference between String and StringBuffer
5-Difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder
6-What is the difference between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder
7-StringTokenizer in Java
13-Wrapper Class In Java:
a-Wrapper Class In Java
b-type casting
14-main method in Java:
a-varargs method in Java
b-Explanation Of System.out.println() method
15-Java Nested Class
16-Collction Frame work :
1-Collection Framework In Java
2.0-List Interface in Java
2-ArrayList In Java-part-1
2-ArrayList In Java-part-2
3-LinkedList Class in Java
4-Array List VS LinkedList
6-Iterator vs ListIterator In Java
7-Vector Class in Java
8-What is fail-fast, fail-safe
9-What is the difference between ArrayList and Vector Class
10-Set Interface In Collection Framework
11.0 Difference Between List and Set Interface
11-HashSet Class In Collection Framework
12-LinkedHashSet Class In Collection Framework
13-TreeSet Class In Collection Framework
14-HashSet Vs TreeSet Vs LinkedHashSet In Java
15-Map Interface In Collection Framework
16-List Vs Set Vs Map Interface
17-HashMap In Collection Framework
18-LikedHashMap Class In Collection Framework
19-TreeMap Class In Collection Framework
20-HashTable Class In Collection Framework
21-Difference between HashMap and Hashtable
22-Java Collections Class
23-Java Comparable Interface
24-Java Comparator Interface
25-Difference between Comparable and Comparator
17- multi threading :
1-Introduction To Threads In Java
2-Creating Threads In Java
3-Types Of Threads In Java
4-Naming A Thread In Java
5-How to identify a thread in Java
6-Priority Of A Thread In Java
7-Life cycle of a Thread (Thread States)
8-Thread.sleep() Method In Java
9-Joining The Threads In Java
10-Thread Safety in Java
11-Synchronization in Java
12.0-Difference between object lock and class lock
12-Dead Lock In Java
13-Inter-thread Communication OR Producer and Consumer problem
14-Thread Group In Java
15-Differences Between wait() And sleep() Methods In Java
16-yield() method In MultiThreading
17-What is atomic operation
18-Volatile Variable In Multi-threading
19-Java Thread Pool
20- Executors Framework OR How to create Custome Thread Pool
21-How to create Custom Thread Pool
22-Lock interface in Java Concurrency API
23-Java ReentrentLock class
25-BlockingQueue In Multi-threading
26-Java ArrayBlockingQueue Class
27-LinkedBlockingQueue Class in Java
29-Race Condition in Java Multi-Threading
30-Understanding Callable and Future Interfaces in Java
31-CopyOnWriteArrayList Class In Java
32-CopyOnWriteArraySet Class In Java
33-ConcurrentHashMap in Java
jdk 1.7 features :
1-What is Java Timer Class
2-Auto Resource Management
3-Java 7 Catch Multiple Exceptions
4-String in Switch Statement
Java 8 Features:
1)default method in interface.
2)static method in interface.
3)Function Interface
5)lambda expression
6)method and constructor reference(::)
7)foreach() and SPLIterator() method
8)Steam API
9)Functional API(Predicate,Consumer,Supplier interface)
10)new Date and Time API or (joda api)
11)base 64 api
12)security api
13)Annotation inhanced(Repeated,Type,Plugable annotation)
14)remove jdbc odbc bridge driver
15)enhance in hash map