Complete Bitcoin and Blockchain Certification For Beginners

Complete Bitcoin and Blockchain Certification For Beginners, Learn all about Bitcoin & Blockchain Technology and its diverse business applications including in global trade success.
Blockchain and Crypto course is specially created for students, exporters, business owners and all working or freelance persons. The course fast tracks their success in international trade supported by latest technological tools. Also, the course gives complete basic understanding of the concept of Blockchain and Crypto. As you may know, Blockchain is a revolutionary technology. And, it could be brought about by the recent advancement in ICT and internet. After internet, Blockchain is the biggest technological revolution. Therefore, the concepts and the underlying mathematical principles behind this mathematical revolution are discussed here.
Background of the Course:
The blockchain era heralds a major change in the human era of international finance, international currencies and world monetary system. Therefore, the technology gives a new meaning to the digital currencies. Also, recent knowledge indicates that the blockchain technology can prove to be a great enabler for MSME businesses. As a result, it can help them carry out international trading activities more safely. And that too at the least costs. So, the Blockchain and Crypto technology has the potential to significantly reduce several types of middlemen costs. At the same time, these high costs are currently associated with international business transactions. Interestingly, the technology has the potential to significantly improve the business efficiencies. Which are related to exports transactions. These are in terms of speed of movement of goods and reduction of paper work.
What All this Blockchain and Crypto Course Covers?
This blockchain and Crypto course also covers all topics related to the basic terminologies used in Blockchain echosystem. Some examples of these terminologies are –
- Blockchain
- Crypto
- Bitcoin
- Cryptocurrencies
- Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
- Smart Contracts
- Bitcoin Mining
- Bitcoin Mining Operations
- Cloud mining
- Dark side of Bitcoin and Blockchain
- Smart International Supply Chains
- Smart IoTs
- Bitcoin Philosophy
- Future of Mathematical Currencies
- Small Exporter’s New Tool For Exports
- Block Time and Block Rewards
- Buying and Selling Cryptocurrencies
- Sending and Receiving Cryptocurrencies
- Crypto Exchange
- Etherium Smart Contract Platform
- Future of International Online Market Places
By studying this course, students would be able to take off their ideas to new blockchain based startups. The course is delivered in English language and comes with English captions.
About the instructor
The instructor for this course is Dr. Vijesh Jain. He has more than 30 year of experience. His areas relates to foreign trade, training and research. He is alumnus of IIFT, BITS, BIMTECH, University of Mysore, Harvard University and NASBITE, USA. Also, he has written several research papers for international journals. In addition, he has also published several books. These books are in the areas of foreign trade, new technologies and business applications.