Como conseguir el B1 (PET) – Intermedio | Cambridge English

Como conseguir el B1 (PET) – Intermedio | Cambridge English, This course is for learners who are preparing themselves to take the B1 Preliminary Cambridge Exam.
If you want the B1 Preliminary clearly explained, you’re in the right place! In this course, we will go through the structure of one of the Intermediate Cambridge English Qualifications, looking into each part, and each task in detail. You will be able to REALLY understand what examiners want from you, as all important information will be given in Spanish (so you make sure there are no misunderstandings or unclear tips).
The course has a very easy language practical approach, different from the average preparation you can find in books. We will raise important questions not often talked about in general courses, such as “how to deal with the other candidate” (what to do if I cannot understand the candidate, if they speak too fast/too much, etc) and “how to manage your time and nerves”. You will also find an entire pronunciation lesson focused on important words/sounds commonly mispronounced by Spanish speakers.
In the Writing lesson, you will find useful sentences that can be used at the beginning of each paragraph, helping you save time to really focus on the content of the texts. In the Listening and Reading parts, valuable tips will be given for you to understand the structure and be better prepared to pass your exam with high marks.