Citrix 1Y0-327 Password Manager 4.5 Administration Exam, Attend this Citrix 1Y0-327 Password Manager 4.5 Administration Exam will get a Good Score 80% on Main Exam.
Sample Questions:
What three steps are necessary to install and configure a password restoration self-service?
Include questions about identity verification in the password manager console
Enable multiple authentication emissions on the password manager console
Configuring password policies for authentication questions
Turn the reset function of the car password during installation agent
Specify the location of the MetaFrame of the Service Password Manager during the Agent installation
What three configuration password managers will display the application window for the user after the system starts when using an agent for the first time?
If the administrator allows the reset of the self-service password for a user configuration, the user will be asked to provide answers to the questions displayed.
If the administrator is editing a reset question of the self-service password, you will be asked to register.
If the administrator configures the identity verification phrase as a key method to find information, the user is asked to select an identity verification and a question to answer.
If the administrator selects a main certificate for installing the user application, the user is asked to enter the credentials for each of the selected applications.
If an administrator eliminates the identity verification question assigned to a user, the user is asked to choose a new question and verify the identity of a response.
If you want to activate the integrity of the data in a central repository, you have pre-existing data that have never been signed, you must _____ _____ in front of you. (Fill in blank spaces with the pair of correct options).
Include the integrity of the data in the console; Sign the data using a signature tool.
sign the data of the firm using the tool; Include the integrity of the data in the console.
Designate signature data using the tool; Include the integrity of the data in the console. disable the integrity of the data in the console;
Designate data using the signature tool
What three tasks can be completed with Citrix Password Manager Autorun?
Installing Citrix Password Administrator Agent
Create a NTFS network folder called $ domainsync
Create a NTFS network folder called $ CitrixSync
Install the Citrix Password Manager documentation
Install Console Citrix Password Manager
What configuration of the smart key password manager of the SMART card requires the use of roaming profiles?
Intelligent card data protection
Pin as the password
DPAPI with profile
Integration with Active
Directory profile
To implement Citrix Password Manager, which uses the NTFS File Share Central Store file that occurs during commissioning, if a change is detected in the local credential store, but not in the central store?
The agent will merge the changes in the local credentials store to a central warehouse.
You will be asked to confirm your identity by answering the test of the personality of the question.
Local changes in the accounting data warehouse will be overwritten with the central data warehouse.
Input is interrupted and synchronization must be forced manually by an administrator.
What are the three tasks that will be carried out at the Schema Master workstation to run the CTXSchemaPrep tool to create a directory in an active central repository?
Log in with the user who is a member of the administrator circuit. Add the workstation at the beginning of the domain
Log in with the user who is a member of domain administrators.
Running ctxdomantprep from a workstation
The Schema Master Domain must be configured to update
What are the two functions of the Password Manager agent, the location of the MetaFrame Password Manager password is required during the agent installation?
Automatic key recovery
Self-service password restoration
Circle data integrity software
Hot desk