Certification in Operations Management: Production & Quality, Complete guide for operations with production and quality management process like ISO 9001, CMMI, Lean, Six Sigma & BPM.
This is a Mini MBA/PGDM Course with all modern operation and production management technique descriptions and materials applicable for any Industry and Students. Study the traditional concept of Production function and manufacturing responsibilities, Product and service desig4. Capacity planning, Process selection and facility layout, Facility Location, Quality assurance and control, Process control chart and acceptance sampling, Inventory planning and control, Different types of models, ABC Classification, Supply chain management and JIT and Purchase
Learn and access Modern-day best practices and process which will increase your production efficiency, quality and bandwidth
Project Quality Management
- Understand the importance of project quality management for information technology (IT) products and services
- Define project quality management and understand how quality relates to various aspects of IT projects
- Describe quality management planning and how quality and scope management are related
- Discuss the importance of quality assurance
- Explain the main outputs of the quality control process
- Understand the tools and techniques for quality control, such as the Seven Basic Tools of Quality, statistical sampling, Six Sigma, and testing
- Summarize the contributions of noteworthy quality experts to modern quality management
- Describe how leadership, the cost of quality, organizational influences, expectations, cultural differences, and maturity models relate to improving quality in IT projects
- Discuss how software can assist in project quality management
Six Sigma • ISO 9001 • CMMI Process • Business Process Management or BPM • Lean Manufacturing
Complete guide book of more than 3000 pages to download and use.
Take the next step in your career! Whether you’re an up-and-coming professional, an experienced executive, aspiring manager, budding Professional. This course is an opportunity to sharpen your operational management and production management abilities, increase your efficiency for professional growth and make a positive and lasting impact in the organization.
With this course as your guide, you learn how to:
- All the basic functions and skills required for the production management skills.
- Transform your product and service design skills and inventory management skills in an efficient way for the current business climate
- Get access to recommended templates and formats for common production and manufacturing processes.
- Learn useful case studies, industry practices and demonstrations of different production and designing practices with useful forms and frameworks
- Invest in yourself today and reap the benefits for years to come
The Frameworks of the Course
Engaging video lectures, case studies, assessment, downloadable resources and interactive exercises. This course is created to Learn about operational management, its production functions and responsibilities. How to design product and service and its life cycles. The supply chain management and also inventory control management and different types of models.
Management of operation will help to understand production functions and lifecycles, and also product lifecycles that helps to understand the impact of changes in the product lifecycle through different types of stages. This video will also help to understand different types of the models that will help to understand the production function and responsibilities which is an important part of an operational management.
The course includes multiple Case studies, resources like formats-templates-worksheets-reading materials, quizzes, self-assessment, film study and assignments to nurture and upgrade your operational management skills.
In the first part of the course you’ll learn the most common operational management, its production functions and responsibilities, supply chain management, quality management control, different types of models.
In the middle part of the course you’ll learn how to develop a good operational management skills and production functions. You will get a knowledge on different types models.
In the final part of the course you’ll develop the ability analyze and solve Operational management or scenarios with assignments related to production. Inventory management, supply chain management and Practice tests.
Learn the complete Quality Management standardization process with manuals and guidebooks
You will get full support and all your quarries would be answered guaranteed within 48 hours.
Course Content:
Part 1
1. Introduction and Study Plan
· Introduction and know your Instructor
· Study Plan and Structure of the Course
2. Production function and manufacturing responsibilities
1. Understanding the production responsibilities and its functions
2. Operational management
3. Production related management
3. Product and service design
4. Objectives of product designs
5. Life cycles
6. Product design and development
7. Standardization of products and service.
8. Service design and its reliability.
4. Capacity planning
9. Objectives of capacity planning
10. Developing capacity alternatives and challenging
11. CVP Analysis
5. Process selection and facility layout
12. Types of manufacturing process, flexibility in manufacturing process.
13. Facility layout and its design.
6. Facility Location
14. Objectives and introduction
15. Need for a facility location planning
16. Nature of location
17. Selection of site for the plan
18. Procedures of location decisions
19. Techniques for location analysis
7. Quality assurance and control
20. Objectives and introduction of quality control management
21. TQM
22. Human behavior in management quality
23. The determination of quality
24. Quality circle
25. Kaizen Concept
8. Process control chart and acceptance sampling
26. Analyzing a process and process flow chart
27. Service and designing processes
28. Acceptance quality control and accepting samples
30. Make a final choice
9. Inventory planning and control
31. Objectives and functions of inventory
32. Inventory cost.
33. Inventory control system
34. Inventory costing methods
35. Electronic data interchange
36. E- commerce.
10. Different types of models
37. EOQ Model
38. Objectives of EOQ models and more complex models.
39. Inventory Models
40. Objectives and introduction of inventory models
11. ABC Classification
41. Objectives and introduction
42. ABC classification and analysis
43. Other classification system
Part 2
12. Supply chain management and JIT
44. Introduction and objectives of supply chain management
45. Logistics EDI
46. E-Commerce
47. Requirement for s supply chain management.
48. The steps for making decision in supply chain management
13. Purchase
49. Objectives and introduction of purchasing
50. Purchasing cycle
51. Ethics in purchasing
Part 3
14. Assignments
52. Assignment Questions
53. Practice Test 1
54. Practice Test 2
15. Project Quality Management
55. Complete Project Planning and Quality Management
Downloadable Resources and Templates
1. Contract Management Report
2. Basic Operational Plan Template
3. Structured Operational Plan Template
4. Operation Management Transcript
5. Performance Management Checklist
6. Product Design Mind Map sample
Guidebook and Manuals
- ISO 9001 Manual
- Project Quality Management Guide
- Lean Manufacturing Guide
- CMMI Guide
- BPM Guidebook
- Six Sigma Step by Step Guide