Business Writing & Communications: How to Be a Better Writer

Business Writing & Communications: How to Be a Better Writer, Write Persuasive Emails | Speeches | Slide Decks | Reports | Ad Copy | How to Use ChatGPT | Learn POWER and POISON Words.
Be more persuasive, confident and powerful in your writing.
This business writing crash course covers all your major assignments as a writer. Each no-nonsense module gives you actionable steps to be more persuasive in convincing your readers to take the steps you want them to take.
You get the 100+ page course book
Download the course book PDF that’s full of work sheets, writing examples, resources, and all the information shared in the course videos. Use it to put what you’ve learned into action on all your future writing assignments.
What are the POWER WORDS to use and POISON WORDS to avoid?
Learn how certain Power Words can excite and inspire your readers to take action, while Poison Words can alienate them and lead to failure.
Be seen as intelligent, confident and a rising star in your organization.
How can your writing present you as a confident and intelligent professional and earn you the respect of your leaders and peers? Your word choices, and knowing when and how to use the right language, can make or break your reputation.
Learn how and when to use ChatGPT and other AI tools to boost your writing.
ChatGPT isn’t going to take your writing job, but a writer who knows how to use ChatGPT effectively just might. See how you can use ChatGPT, Google Bard or Bing AI to help break writer’s block, perform research and suggest new words or phrases to add greater punch to your writing.
Why am I the best instructor to teach you how to sell online?
I’ve been a professional business writer for 35 years in the fields of sales and marketing, public relations and corporate communications. I’ve helped sales teams land big clients, manage sensitive public-facing issues and led teams of writers achieve vital goals for our organizations. I’ve packed the most crucial learnings from my writing career into this business writing masterclass to help you learn how to define your audience and its needs, write persuasively to motivate them, and achieve success.
My promise to you:
I’m happy to answer any questions you may have throughout the course. I want you to have a five-star experience, so I’ll be watching for your questions that you can post in the course and will provide answers or feedback as quickly as possible.
This course will help you…
Write Better Emails – Every message, no matter how simple, should have a defined goal, make its case quickly, and convince the reader to take a desired action. This could change how you view every email you send out.
Write Better Letters – You may not write them often (or ever) but in some specific cases, a formal letter can show your reader your message is serious and too important for a simple email. Learn what those use cases are and how to write the best letter possible.
Write Better Reports – If your leader asks you to write a report, be sure you follow these steps to deliver a report that meets and exceeds all expectations.
Write Better Proposals – You may be asked to write a proposal convincing customers to do business with you. Learn what clients expect to see and how to convince them to partner with you.
Write Better Slide Decks – Slide decks don’t have to be dull and put audiences to sleep. Learn how to add excitement and get your audience involved in your presentation.
Write Better Fact Sheets – Learn how to deliver a core message in a limited space. Effective fact sheets can educate and excite readers if you follow these key steps.
Write Better Customer Flyers – A customer flyer is a sales pitch on a page. We’ll cover the best ways to present your prospects with the major benefits of your product or service to convince them to buy.
Write Better Ad Copy – If you’re asked to write copy for digital, print or other advertising, where do you start? Follow this formula and your ad could practically write itself.
Write Better Speeches – A great speech in front of leaders or peers can boost your reputation, but only if your writing is tight, insightful and entertaining. Follow these vital steps to meet the goals for your next speech.