Business Management Essentials, Essentials of Business Modelling, Business Fundametals, Business Strategy and Secret Concepts for Management and Growth.
10,000+ hours of experience summed up in this 4 hour power packed course
To help you to get the most form your investment in learning.
After 10,000+ hours of consulting businesses and entrepreneurs we developed this powerful course with 7 KEY AREAS that you need to understand to manage and grow your business effectively. This course is specially developed to help students, entrepreneurs, professionals, managers, founders and business owners drive growth.
This course will explain the following:
- Business Landscape and Your position
- Core Value Proposition – Mission, Vision and Values Statement
- Business Model Canvas to model your Business Canvas
- Understand the Various forms of Money in Business
- Identify and Manage your Inventory, Capital and Operation Expenses
- Understand the importance of organization
- Develop and instill culture in your organization
- Develop an effective incentive structure for your team
- Build an effective and sustainable organization structure
- Identify and develop KPIs for your team
- Develop Team review structure & agenda
- Recruit Properly and Effectively
- Evolve in different types of roles as an entrepreneur
- Balance between present and future roles
- Develop your guidance system
- Create a Brand Experience
- Impact-fully Market your Business
- Effectively Sell
- Understand Horizontal and Vertical Business Integration
- Understand Concepts and Types of Franchising
- Various options to scale your business
- Suitability of each scaling technique
To provide utility of your learning experience, we keep adding resources from time-to-time.
Since this course is focused on providing conceptual clarity, we have not added any practice tests.
Start your growth journey now!