Become a Permutations and Combinations Master, Learn everything from Permutations and Combinations with 60+ solved examples.
This course deals with concepts required for the study of Probability and Statistics. Statistics is a branch of science that is an outgrowth of the Theory of Probability. Permutations and Combinations are used in both Statistics and Probability ; and they in turn involve operations with factorial notation.
This 50+ lecture course includes video explanations of everything from Permutations and Combinations, and it includes more than 60+ examples (with detailed solutions) to help you test your understanding along the way. Become a Permutations and Combinations Master is organized into the following sections:
- Fundamental Principle of Counting
- Factorial
- Permutations including Circular Permutations
- Combinations
- Application to Number Theory
- Division into Groups
- Arrangements in Groups
- Derangements
- Multinomial Theorem
- Number of Rectangles and Squares
- Exponent of Prime p in n!
- Important Results to remember