Basics of Management Studies (College Level), Guide to understand the Basics, Importance and its functions of Management Studies.
Welcome to Basics of Management Studies!
Management is a very wider concept which is required in all walks of life and in Organisation for rising to top.
Successful organisation would have achieved success not by chance but only by a Process called Management.
Management is required for all kinds of organisations, whether it be small or large, manufacturing or online or elearning or trust or schools or hospitals, etc.
In this course, you will learn about the Basics of Management covering
a) Introduction to Management;
b) Concept of Management;
c) Characteristics of Management;
d) Objectives of Management;
e) Importance of Management;
f) Nature of Management;
g) Management as an Art and Science;
h) Levels of Management;
i) Functions of Management;
j) Co-ordination and its Nature.
This course is structured in self paced learning style.
Video lectures are used for delivering the course content.
Approach this course with open mind and this course will take you through academic aspects of Basics of Management.