Basic Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Learn Basic Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
This course is design for Beginners in Electrical Field and Electronics Engineering. The lectures are compose in simple and precise way so that it will be easy for beginner to understand the basic concepts and fundamentals of Electrical Engineering. The course consists of total 9 lectures. In each lecture different topic discussed with complete details such as their working principle, types and their practical application as well. You will be able to learn easily by watching our animated & slides videos.
Section 1 elaborates the whole course outline and our lecture sequence. This help students to get know about the direction of our course lectures.
Section 2 we will briefly discuss about the Basic Electrical and Electronic Concepts such as Capacitors, Inductors, Resistors transformers, Circuit Breaker, Relays, Inverters, Rectifiers, Transistors their types, operation and practical applications as well.
Further more we will discuss about Programmable Logic Controllers [PLC] and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition [SCADA] their operation procedure and industrial applications. In the last lectures of the course we will discuss different types of Electrical and Electronics lab equipment and their use. Basic of about different types of Electrical Circuits such as open and short circuits, linear and non-linear circuits, series and parallel circuits, unilateral and bilateral circuits also.