Backcasting from a solar punk future using generative AI


Backcasting from a solar punk future using generative AI, Chat GPT, Global wisdom, NovelAI, working backwards from solar punk futures for yourself and your systems change efforts.

Welcome to our virtual course on Backcasting from a Solar Punk Future using Generative AI: Chat GPT, Global Wisdom, NovelAI, and Systems Change!

Are you ready to co-create a hopeful and realistic vision for the world with the help of advanced artificial intelligence and global wisdom? Then this course is for you!

Through this course, you will learn how to use backcasting as a powerful tool for planning and decision-making, leveraging the power of generative AI and chat GPT to explore what is possible and what is needed to achieve a solar punk future. You will also learn how to utilize the concept of ikigai to identify your perfect role in the world and how to use systems change to transform the systems and structures that shape our world.

Using these powerful tools and techniques, you will work backwards from a solar punk future to identify the steps needed to get there and how you can contribute to the realization of this aspirational and feasible vision.

Join us on this journey to co-create a better future for ourselves and the world!

Here are some reasons why someone might love this course:

  • They want to learn how to use backcasting as a powerful tool for planning and decision-making.
  • They are interested in using generative AI and chat GPT to explore what is possible and what is needed to achieve a solar punk future.
  • They want to learn how to utilize the concept of ikigai to identify their perfect role in the world and contribute to the realization of a solar punk future.
  • They are interested in learning how to use systems change to transform the systems and structures that shape our world.
  • They want to co-create a hopeful and realistic vision for the world with the help of advanced artificial intelligence and global wisdom.

Backcasting can be applied at various levels – from the individual to the global level – to create a hopeful and realistic vision for the future.

At the individual level, backcasting can be used to identify one’s perfect role in the world and how they can contribute to the realization of a solar punk future. It can help individuals to understand their strengths, passions, and values and how they can align them with the needs of the world.

At the family level, backcasting can be used to co-create a vision for the future that reflects the hopes and needs of all members of the family. It can help families to identify their unique strengths and how they can work together to contribute to the world in meaningful ways.

For systems change oriented products and services, backcasting can be used to identify the steps needed to create a more just and sustainable world. It can help organizations to understand the systems and structures that shape our world and how they can use their resources and expertise to transform them for the better.

At the global level, backcasting can be used to create a vision for a world that thrives for all. It can help us to understand the interconnections between different systems and how we can work together to create a better future for everyone.

This course leverages the work of Donella Meadows on vision in the policy process to help learners understand the importance of having a clear, feasible, and shared vision for a sustainable future. Meadows argues that envisioning a better world is a skill that can be developed, and this course will provide learners with the tools and techniques to develop this skill. Through the use of generative AI and backcasting methods, learners will learn how to build a responsible vision of a solar punk future that meets the needs of all people and preserves the natural systems of the world. By focusing on the values and motivations that drive the policy process, learners will be able to create a shared vision that can be used to guide their systems change efforts and contribute to the creation of a more just and sustainable world.

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