AI for Business Leaders, Learn and plan for the business opportunities and risks of AI in 2023.
This course prepares business leaders and executives for the opportunities and risks that AI brings, particularly in the context of autonomous AI.
The potential for AI to massively disrupt business in the next 12 – 18 months is real, and this course:
- Helps to prepare leaders and their teams for the coming changes to ensure they avoid business model disruption having an adverse impact on their business.
- Prepares leaders to evaluate their business strategies in light of AI’s likely impact.
- Supports leaders in leveraging AI to help accelerate delivery of their strategic outcomes.
- Explores the risks and considerations that should be evaluated for any business implementing AI.
The course guides leaders through the current state of AI, what the opportunities and risks could be, what they need to consider when facing into AI and suggests a path forward.
There is a lot of hype, uncertainty and scepticism regarding AI – this course is grounded in real business experience and knowledge, written and delivered by experienced digitally focused business consultants and executives with a combined 40+ years’ experience working for large blue chip organisations, start-ups and small-to-medium businesses in the US, UK, Europe and Oceania.
The course gives leaders an overview of why Artificial Intelligence is important now, what the possible impacts could be on their business and how to plan for AI adoption.
It is structured in a way that allows leaders to dip into specific areas of interest and concern, based on their role in their business.