Discover Your Dream Career Path: A Step by Step Course
Discover Your Dream Career Path: A Step by Step Course , Exploring your career Influences, interests and identity to create a Career Blueprint that’s right for you!
What you”ll learn:
- Know exactly what career pathway suits your personality, strengths and interests.
- Gain clarity on your career drivers and needs.
- Gain clarity on what influences your career choices in the past and now.
- Gain clarity on how to weigh up career options based on ‘who you are’.
Learn the step-by-step process to gain clarity and confidence about the right career path you.
Many people were unsure of how to find the ‘right’ career path for them.
Figuring out what you want to do for your career IS hard. You are pulled in a lot of different directions in work and life and it’s difficult to know exactly what is right for you. Many times self-doubt creeps in and you wonder if it is possible to have a career that is both fulfilling and financially successful.
The key is to find a career that is closely aligned with who you are.
In this course, you will create your own ‘Career Blueprint’ based on your personality, strengths, values, and needs. This is done through the following core areas:
- Identity: Discover the careers that are best suited to your personality, drivers, and needs.
- Influences: Identify the people and situations that have influenced your career so you can stop listening to everyone else and start listening to your inner voice.
- Interests: Understand your own voice, passions, and pathways that suit who you are.
The Outcome
All of our courses at the Future Design Academy are tailored to help you do the following to deliberately design your career:
- “Ideate” take the course – Discover Your Dream Career: Identify what you really want!
- “Create” take the course – Design Your Dream Career: Design the career of your dreams!
- “Action” take the course Land your Dream Job: Take action and land your dream role!
“The ultimate destination for any career is to do work you love, with people you like, getting paid what your worth; in a way that authentically suits you, and truly serves others! That’s’ what this and my Career Navigation programs are designed to help you do.”
Rachel Sparkes
The Journey Begins
Complete with videos and Work-IT sheet files and videos by Career Transformation expert and Founder of The Future Design Academy – Rachel Sparkes, you will be guided along your career journey.