Building the Leadership Mindset: Knowing Yourself


Building the Leadership Mindset: Knowing Yourself , Knowing Yourself.

What you”ll learn:

  • Develop your leadership skills as you learn the importance of self efficacy, social capital, and leadership style.
  • Master frameworks, tools, and practices to help you become better prepared to take on a management role efficiently.
  • Cultivate the leader’s mindset – how to increase awareness and focus for individual and organizational growth
  • Help Leaders Recognize Their Impact


This course is entitled, “Building the Leadership Mindset: Knowing Yourself.” In this “beginners” course, we will discuss the importance of knowing yourself, the benefits of knowing yourself and techniques for goal setting to enhance your career.

This course is designed to:

  • Develop your leadership skills as you learn the importance of self efficacy, social capital, and leadership style.
  • Master frameworks, tools, and practices to help you become better prepared to take on a management role efficiently.

    Cultivate the leader’s mindset – how to increase awareness and focus for individual and organizational growth.

  • Help leaders recognize their impact.

    According to today’s leadership experts, the mindset of a leader is an integral part of their ability to motivate and succeed. In fact, a leaders should have  a growth outlook, which will help them face difficulties,  adapt quickly to changes, and demonstrate commitment.  Knowing yourelf is apart of building resilence.  Building the Leadership mindset is essential for personal and career achievement.  Therefore, leaders’ should know their story and share it with others. Leaders should also utilize various goal setting techniques, such as, listing, journaling, and vision boards.

    “Building the Leadership Mindset: Knowing Yourself,” is taught by Dr. Candice Lucas-Bledsoe. Dr. Lucas-Bledsoe is a leadership, innovation, and diversity international expert.

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