The Complete Java Practice Test (+CoderByte Access), Solidify your Java skills and pass LinkedIn Java skill test & Get Access to Coderbyte, BigInterview today.
NOTE: To make sure everything is included makes a quality course and good enough for you, I recommend you CHECK OUT my WEBSITE (Profile -> Website) to know more about HUGE BONUS is waiting for you inside this course (Interview Questions, Coding Assessment, BigInterview Access, CoderByte Access,….).
Applying for a Java related job ? or want to Pass LinkedIn Java’s Skill Assessments ? going for a Java certification ? or Just curious about Java secret stuff ? then this course is for YOU!
This course tests your Java skill and concepts in details. It points out your misunderstanding of topics. It will help you revise Java stuff, help you strengthen your Java concepts, learn about some Java tricks you might not be aware of, or help you understand why you do certain things that you are used to with out know why
- 100+ MCQ & Answers in Java
- Recent LinkedIn Java’s Skill Assessment MCQ & Answer
- These questions are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best books on Java
- Real Interview Questions and Answers
- Real Coding Assessment
Detail about LinkedIn Java’s Skill Assessment:
Topic: Core APIs, Java Classes and Instances, Java Data Structures, Java Fundamentals, Java System Fundamentals
Answer 15-20 timed, multiple-choice questions
- ~15 minutes duration
- 70th percentile required to pass and get a badge
- You can retake this assessment if you don’t pass
What if I have questions?
As if this course wasn’t complete enough ( most of questions don’t have any explanation yet ), I offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).
This means you’ll never find yourself stuck on one question for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, you’ll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.
There’s no risk either!
This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let me know and I’ll refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.
Just give it a Try and Test your skill and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you don’t like it…
You literally can’t lose.
Ready to get started, Developer?
Pay once, benefit a lifetime!
Don’t lose any time, gain an edge and start developing now!
What is LinkedIn Skill Assessments ?
The short, standardized tests allow you to show your knowledge about everything, from Python, Java, C# to Angular, React, Vue.JS. If you score at or above 70%, you will have the option to add a “verified skill” badge to your profile. LinkedIn hopes this profile addition will benefit both job seekers and recruiters.
Do check out my profile to get all the skill badges you want to achieve.
So why is this important?
When you apply for jobs and read through the job postings, you will see the requirements set forth by the company. Often you will see “Python” “Javascript,” and so on. The problem is, how does one measure the technical skill? This could be a way for a recruiting person to see that you have some knowledge, and it could be used as a way to screen candidates.
If you pass the assessment, you’re issued a badge that will be displayed on your profile in LinkedIn Recruiter and LinkedIn Jobs. This will help employers quickly identify who has the specific skills they’re looking for, and help you find job postings relevant to your identified skillset
How to take it ?
To find the Skill Assessments, go to your profile and scroll to the Skill section. Select one of the available Skill Assessments you’d like to take. Any results are kept private to you, and if you pass (in the 70th percentile or above), you will have the option to add a “verified skill” badge to your profile. If you don’t pass, you have complete control over the visibility of their results and can brush up on your skills so you can pass next time.