Zero Budget Typesetting, Learn to create professionally typeset books and other documents using only free and open source software.
Want to publish a book (or other publication) but don’t really feel like spending hundreds of dollars on typesetting and design? Don’t go away. You’ll be only steps away from producing output documents that’ll get you on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publish (KDP) platform.
It won’t take long. Two hours. Tops. And NO software costs! You won’t even need a fancy gaming workstation and expensive input devices. And don’t even think about terabytes of memory to handle huge, badly bloated documents.
Oh, there’s nothing wrong with the industry-standard software, Adobe InDesign. It does generate great output and I’m told that you can become skilled at it in no time at all. Less than a year at any rate. And I’m sure that their $120/year license fee is a great deal…compared with the price of a private jet.
But for those of us who haven’t the time to learn super-complicated systems and don’t happen to be in the market for private jets right now, there is an alternative: free and open source software (FOSS) for quick, careful, and efficient book or publication designs. I’ve done it lots of times.
Stick around for just a short while and I’ll show you how it all works.