Software engineering fundamentals for Beginners : 0-4 years


Software engineering fundamentals for Beginners : 0-4 years, An introduction of software industry from a perspective of roles, responsibilities and business. Pivotal for career plan.

The course is an introduction to the complexity of waiting for a beginner in the software industry. There are no certifications or silver bullets to a long and fulfilling software career. The course provides a brief overview of the industry from an experienced engineer’s perspective.

The main goal of the course is to make the aspirants aware of the big picture before they get caught up in confusing job descriptions. With personal experiences, the perspective ensures to be tried and tested.

The volume of sales and promises has exponentially grown but at the cost of accountability. A prosperous career cannot be purchased or fast-tracked, it has to be nurtured with daily habits and coherent knowledge.

A long career will encounter many inflection points. Most only prepare for the best case scenarios but the contrary ones are far more probable than one assumes. Since 2000, there have been at least 3 spells of recessions in the industry due to completely different reasons.

Can one predict such events?


Does one have to predict such events?


Is there a solution to negate the career uncertainty?

Yes. Be aware of the industry that you consider a source of income and ensure you stay relevant in it for as long as you need.

Course Overview

  • Components of software engineering
    • Algorithms, Data Structures, DevOps, SRE, SCM, etc.
  • Types of software companies
  • Types of roles in software companies
  • Frameworks to gauge competition and career trajectory.
  • Lessons from personal experiences about recessions and interviewing from a career perspective.


✅ Software engineering beyond coding

✅ Business goals of possible employer companies

✅ Kinds to roles available in the industry as beginners.

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