Facebook Libra Business/Technical Fundamentals with Demos


Facebook Libra Business/Technical Fundamentals with Demos, Understanding What Facebook Libra really means.

UPDATE: Facebook Libra has been rebranded as well as the Collibra wallet. Major changes have been announced and the release date is now in flux. Course will be fully updated when these changes are “official” from Facebook.

This course covers both the technical aspects as well as the business aspects of Libra. Presented by an actual blockchain engineer who actually deploys blockchains and is an active crypto currency miner and investor.

Demos are provided and deployed on the GCP platform.

Facebook’s announcement of the Libra blockchain project has created significant interest from both a media perspective and also from Facebook current user base. There is also significant confusion about what Libra is and Libra’s components such as the wallet Collabra.

The key value perhaps underlying Facebooks’ Libra project is that the transfer of money from person to person is similar to the ease of transfer of information. This session will cover both the potential business aspects of Libra and also the currently defined technical aspects of Libra. Discussion will also focus on cryptocurrency basics as compared to the Libra will be covered.

The Libra wallet and current transaction options will be covered as well. Other concerns such privacy and security concerns are with Libra. A demo of the Libra testnet as well as other resources to enable rapid learning of this new and exciting cryptocurrency.

This course will provide you with the following.

Hands On Demos– In this course we will cover with step by step instructions on how to deploy Facebook Libras testnet on Google Cloud Platform and run test transactions.

Whiteboards – Discussions around the Libra project structure and how it will likely come together.

Insight – Libra poses some challenges but also presents some opportunities.

Course Materials– Over 90 pages of course content.

Google Cloud Platform(GCP)  – Step by Step Libra testnet on Compute Engine demo instructions.

Amazon Web Services(GCP) – Step by Step Libra testnet on EC2 demo instructions.

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