100% OFF- Agile Basics: Complete SCRUM Guide for Beginners in 2 hours


Agile Basics: Complete SCRUM Guide for Beginners in 2 hours , Master the main SCRUM concepts, values, roles, ceremonies, metrics for project management and daily project activities.

Course Description

Mastering Agile Basics and SCRUM in just 2 Hours – is it a fantasy? No, it’s real!

Maybe you are assigned to a project where the team is actively using Scrum at the moment,

Or you are a project manager who is looking for effective ways of organising the team’s work,

Or you want to prepare for an interview in IT sphere,

Or you have already heard something about Scrum from your colleagues or friends,

Or maybe you worked with Scrum long-long time ago and forgot how it worked,

but want to refresh your knowledge or want to know more about Scrum – you are in the right place at a right time!

Why do I need to learn Scrum?

Although a lot of methodologies and ways of organizing team’s work and increasing effectiveness exist nowadays, Scrum remains one of the most widely spread in IT sphere, Business and many other areas with hundreds of thousands of projects using it while you are reading these lines. Operating these fields, sooner or later you’ll may come across this notion, that can increase the productivity of the team, if to use it wisely.

So, don’t miss out the opportunity to join Complete SCRUM Guide for Beginners in 2 hours to gain extensive knowledge to understand:

  • what is Agile and Scrum and how to use them on a project;
  • what do these frightening Scrum terms your colleagues are using mean;
  • whether it’ll be beneficial to use Scrum on your project or not;
  • Scrum values and principles;
  • roles and responsibilities in Scrum;
  • main ceremonies and what they are for;
  • how to estimate team’s efforts in Scrum;
  • how to measure team’s progress.

So, what are you waiting for?

Don’t miss out – make your first steps in mastering Scrum and check your knowledge with quizzes!

Who this course is for:

  • Everyone who wants to join the project operating in Scrum
  • Everyone who wants to become a Scrum Master
  • Everyone who wants to deepen their knowledge in Project Management processes and methodologies
  • Everyone who wants to work in IT sphere and gain understanding of the most common methodology used
  • Everyone who wants to repeat the theory of SCRUM
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