100% OFF- Designing and implementing Azure Network Solutions – AZ-700


Designing and implementing Azure Network Solutions – AZ-700, Prepare for Designing and implementing Azure Network Solutions – AZ-700 exam | Labs | 19+ hours + Quiz.


Course Description

Welcome to the new course in which we will dive into networking in the Azure cloud. During this course, you will have the opportunity to learn how to create resources related to networking and, most importantly, prepare for the exam and for real life preparations.

As I said, the course begins by first dealing with the basics of networking, and as the course progresses, you will get to know more complicated examples and tasks.

During the course itself, you will get acquainted with other Azure services, which we will need during training and demos, and are an integral part of the Azure offer.

In this course you will learn to create, manage, work with Azure networking resources. Networking is an extremely important topic in understanding the Azure cloud, and in this course we start from the very beginning when we will get to know what a network is, an IP address, a subnet and the rest of complex world of networking.

As in all my courses, in this one I will try to explain all the details and practically show everything related to a certain resource, and as you are used to, there will also be several more advanced demos.

Who this course is for:

  • Azure beginners, Azure and IT lovers
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