(2021) Carnatic Flute Basics | Swarajathis & Swarapallavis, (PART-3) Learn Carnatic Flute – A course of Swarajathis & Swarapallavis in various Raagas.
What is a Swarajati ?
Swarajati is a form in Carnatic music, which is helpful before learning a varnam. It has pallavi, sometimes an anupallavi, and at least one charanam. The themes of swarajathis are usually either bhakthi, love or courage. It is a composition which usually has a pleasing melody and are suitable for singing in early lessons, musical concerts and dance concerts. The most popular and the oldest known Swarajathi is in Huseni raga, hau re raa bhagaya in Telugu by Melattur Veerabhadrayya. Swarajatis have been composed in numerous raagas – Bilahari, Hamsadhvani, Kalyani, Janjuti, Khamas, etc.
What is a Swarapallavi ?
A Swara Pallavi (also known as Jathi Swaram) is a kind of composition which has only the Dhatu part(swara) with no sahitya
They are learnt after learning geethas and before varnams.
These are scholarly compositions and their Dhatu has the Raga bhavam.
– Usually Swara Pallavis are set to Madyama kalam (medium tempo) and set to
Adi and Chapu talas.
• Swara Pallavis can have 2 or 3 parts in the following manner;
1. Pallavi – Anupallavi-Charanams
2. Pallavi -Charanams
• In some charanams, mrudanga Jathis can be heard, hence the name Jathi
– Swara Pallavis usually have 4 to 8 charanams.
– Compositional structure of a Swara Pallavi is same as that of a Swara Jathi,
The only difference is Swara Jathihas the Mathu (sahityam) part too, whereas
Swara Pallavi lacks the sahitya part.
– The piece in Hilahari raga SIGPDSND is a splendid example of this type of
– The sahitya ‘Rara Venu gopabala’ is a sahitya tacked later on to the piece.
• Swarajatis and ſatiswaras may be composed in Chauka kala (slow tempo) or in
Madhyama kala (medium tempo).
– Jati swara compositions are moulded on the patterns of jati passages/
In some Jati swaras, the mukthayi swaras consist of half-avarta jatis.
Ragamalika jatiswaras also exist.
– Jatiswaram is a derivative name since phrases of jatis are strung into musical
. The jati swaram is of interest from the rhythmical point of view.
• Prominent composers of Jati swarams are:
1. Swati Tirunal,
2. Ponnayya,
3. Sivanandam,
4. Vadivelu and
5. Veena Krishnamachari
• Ganakrama (Order of Singing):
• First, the Pallavi is sung, then the Charanams are sung and at the end of each
Charanam, the Pallavi is sung. They are sung thus:
• Pallavi
• Charanam 1-Pallavi
• Charanam 2-Pallavi etc.