100% OFF- Learn Reverse Engineering with Games


Learn Reverse Engineering with Games , A practical hands-on course on reverse engineering, with an emphasis on teaching by demonstration.

Course Description

This is a course on reverse engineering, with an emphasis on game modding. It is a practical course, and the focus is mainly on demonstration. This course is not heavy on theory, and instead follows the philosophy that you learn a skill like reverse engineering best by seeing it be applied in practice. This is how I learned.

There is some theory in the course, but the student is generally expected to learn the theory as they go. It is not practical to sit down and study assembly code for days or weeks without proper context, nor is it fun. This course provides the context.

In this course, you will learn the following:

  • How assembly code works, along with common assembly code patterns
  • How to use a debugger to find and potentially change code to achieve your goals, whatever they may be
  • How to combine the use of memory editing with debugging to make the reverse engineering process easier
  • And most importantly, how to think like a reverse engineer.

This course is free, so you don’t have a lot to lose for taking on this course. Worst case scenario, you have wasted your time. I hope you like this course!

Who this course is for:

  • Intermediate programmers with an interest in learning more about reverse engineering and modding.
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