Company Profile and Portfolio Design , A complete system to create a high-converting Company Portfolio and Profile that lands clients for your business.
Course Description
Ready to turn 99% of your prospects into your clients?
Company Profile and Portfolio Design is a complete system designed to create a High-Converting Portfolio and show you how to land clients using it… without you having to do the work from scratch.
Everything you need to create your Company Profile or Portfolio… in less than 1 hour
A Done-For-You Template + Content Analysis Video + Graphic Design Tutorial + 3 Ways to Land Clients with it
- A video tutorial showing you 3 Ways I have landed over 60 globally renowned organizations using my Portfolio and how you can start doing the same today.
- A high-converting done-for-you Portfolio Template, to edit and adapt to your business immediately. This template is already designed from Scratch, page 1 to the end. All you have to do is edit to your own contents.
- A Content Analysis Video of detailed information of what to include in every page of your Portfolio to make it irresistible and impressive to potential clients.
- A Do-It-Yourself video tutorial to show you how to edit the template by yourself. Even if you have never touched a computer before, I am giving you a lifetime skill of a graphic designer today. It is so simplified, that you can edit your Company Portfolio immediately after watching how it is done in the video tutorial.
Who is this course for?
You’re a Service Provider, but…
- Your Proposals don’t convert clients
- You never land big jobs
- You never get referrals
Here’s the thing – the most effective marketing and sales tool you need to achieve this is your Portfolio
… and you only need the PDF copy to get this result!
This is why:
When a new client or customer is looking to buy a product or service, their buying decision is based on these 3 questions:
1. Your Expertise – Can you deliver the service well? Will your product be good enough?
2. Your Background – Do you have a good track record of how well you have been doing in business?
3. Your credibility – Can they entrust their money to you when paying ahead?
Guess what? A Portfolio answers all these questions at once!
Sounds all too easy, right?
But the Hard Part is Ensuring that your Portfolio does all that…
Putting together every piece from scratch and knowing exactly what to add inside your Portfolio, so that once a potential client views it, boom! You win them over.
It’s a lot of brainstorming exercise!
But what if I give you a tested and proven system that removes all that hard part and gives you exactly what works?
That is why I created Company Profile and Portfolio Design
You can create a Portfolio for your services today and start using it to land new clients from today.
About Your Instructor
Hi, my name is Maria Ebenezer, an award-winning entrepreneur and the Founder of Emerald Green Ushering Services.
In the last 4 years, I have landed more over 60 globally renowned clients and partners in 25 countries across Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa for my business. Our Company Portfolio has been the most effective sales tool I used to achieve this.
I’m about to show you the template of the “Winning Portfolio” that I have used to win my premium clients globally.
With the Portfolio Fix, you do not only save money, you get the resources that gives you learn a lifetime skill needed for your business. The price may change tomorrow. Take advantage of the price today!
Enroll in this course today!